Our involvement in Home Missions is focused on the needs of the unsaved in our city, but has also included outreach in our province and country. We desire to be relevant to our neighbours around us by sharing with them God's Good News of compassion in meaningful and practical ways. 

This goal is being pursued through local church plants in Winnipeg, as well as through various ministries that individuals in Gateway are involved with where the focus is on particular needs or on specific sectors of our population. 

More often than not, our involvement in Home Missions involves ministry among those who are poor, marginalized, or newcomers to Canada. We believe this reflects the heart of God as revealed to us in the Bible.

CarePortal is an online tool that helps to connect churches with various needs that come up in the neighbourhoods around them. Here is the way it works: child serving agency Workers upload request concerning vulnerable children and their families to an online interface. For participating churches, this alerts their care portal response team to the need. If the team is able to meet that need the point person in those helping with the delivery will be connected with the family.

The tier one request are generally for physical needs. In some cases, the church may provide a bed to a new foster parent, helping mother pay her rent for a month to preserve the biological family, or provide household needs to a teen who is ageing out of foster care. The hope is that each interaction will leave the family with a neighbourhood connection in the midst of challenging times. And to let them know that wherever they find themselves, they have a community of people supporting them.

