God desires that all people have an opportunity to know Jesus and to enjoy His presence forever! Yet there are still so many who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus.
Gateway’s vision statement is to spread a passion for the glory of God through Jesus Christ to every nation and every generation. That is why our mission is to make Christ Jesus known to the world!
While our mission is focused and singular, there is variety in the approaches we take to accomplish that mission. Our priority is to focus on helping to reach the approximately 10,000 unreached people groups of the world (about 2.1 billion people), but our involvement is not limited to such groups. We focus on unreached people groups due to the fact that they are the most restricted from hearing the Gospel, and yet less than 25% of all present-day mission efforts are aimed at these peoples. However, we have sent out workers from Gateway with other areas of focus, particularly among the poor.
Meet Gateway’s Global Workers
Doug and Jan have been ministering in Mexico since the beginning of 2001. They currently live in Mazatlan and carry out Gateway’s work as our church planters and disciple-makers as they teach, train, and work relationally with several churches, ministries, and other missionaries around Mexico. They also teach at conferences, seminars, and courses on Marriage, Parenting, Youth, Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, and Leadership Training.
Doug and Jan have also taught in many other locations around the world includingSalt & Light churches in Manitoba and the US. There are times and places that do not always feel safe for them and so they ask for your prayers and support.
If you would like to be in contact with them and receive their newsletters and prayer requests, please contact them HERE.
To financially support the work that Doug and Jan are doing in Mexico click HERE.
Gateway also has a worker living in South Asia working in various restricted-access nations. This worker has the joy of serving in support of many other workers who are reaching out to unreached people groups! This person is based in one particular restrictive country, and therefore also has the opportunity to reach out to neighbours who have no idea who Jesus is and to show them His love.
To financially support the work that our worker is doing in South Asia click HERE.
Gateway’s vision to spread a passion for the glory of God through Jesus Chris to every nation and every generation also includes a unique outreach to the people of the Middle East and North Africa. We have seen a tremendous response in this work through the use of the internet, websites and various social media tools. Our workers in this ministry (who we cannot name online) actively disciple and share the Gospel with those who are seeking to know and follow Jesus Christ. If you would like to know more information about this ongoing work, please contact our office.
To financially support the work that our workers are doing in Middle East & North Africaclick HERE.
In 2007, Gateway started a new mission outreach to the people of Romania through Reinhard & Darcey Neufeld. What started out as an annual short-term mission trip led by the two turned into a full-time ministry opportunity for Gateway. In 2009, Reinhard and Darcey moved to Romania and made their home in Rasa, a small village, where they currently minister among the poor and needy.
Since then, they have seen God working beyond their expectations! They had set up a non-government organization called Gateway to Hope Romania through which all their outreach activities occur. A major project the Rasa Center – a shelter for abused women and children, as well as a home for women who do not want to abort their babies. Gateway to Hope also works in various villages in order to help establish churches, and many people have come to know Jesus through this ministry.
Reinhard and Darcey would appreciate your prayers and support. If you would like to receive prayer emails, please contact them HERE.
To financially support the work that Reinhard and Darcey are doing in Romania click HERE.
Roly and Cristina have been serving the Lord with WEC International in West Africa since 1994, and twenty of those years were focused on the training and mentoring of national pastors and leaders for the Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches of Equatorial Guinea.
They are presently based in Tema, Ghana, and are the Africa Directors for ACTS 13, a WEC Regional Ministry with the vision of establishing Mission Mobilization Teams, recruiting and training cross-cultural workers, and partnering with churches in Africa in the sending out of their workers to the least-reached peoples in the region and beyond.
Roly and Cristina would appreciate your prayers and support. If you would like to receive prayer emails and/or find out how you can become more involved in this ministry, please contact them HERE.
To financially support the work that Roly and Cristina are doing in West Africa click HERE.
Gateway has a family serving with an aviation ministry that supports workers in their ministries among extremely remote and unreached people groups. The husband has been assigned to work in aviation maintenance (specifically Avionics) since the fall of 2018 with a local organization that primarily supports Bible translation. They are a family with young children, so mom has plenty to do as well as they make their home in a faraway land so that others may know about Jesus. If you would like more information about them, please contact our office.
To financially support the work that our workers are doing in Southeast Asia click HERE.